ISO 9001, 14001 And 45001: Managing Risk Effectively And Efficiently In The Construction Industry

With ISO 900114001 and 45001 in various stages of transition, construction firms can now capitalise on the many organisational benefits of integrating their quality, environmental and OHS management systems.

In an industry characterised by significant safety and environmental challenges and increasingly complex processes, this change is a major opportunity for construction organisations of any size to better meet those challenges and streamline processes.

In our whitepaper titled  ISO 9001, 14001 AND 45001: Managing risk effectively and efficiently in the construction industry, SAI Global management system experts discuss the three new standards, best practices for preparing for integration, and the business reasons behind the strategies.

Learn about Annex SL common structure integration approach, effectively controlling business risk across the enterprise, and the powerful new management tool that removes silos, drives opportunity, and improves performance.

Speak to an expert to find out more.

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