Thriving In The New Normal With ISO-Based Management Systems

Webinar Type: On Demand
Duration: 1 Hour
Presented By:
Carmine Liuzzi
Industry Expert and Core Practice Leader
SAI Global

The current crisis has essentially changed the way organizations interact with each other and their customers. It would be short-sighted to believe we can simply turn on the switch and return to “business as usual” when the current crisis finally passes.

Organizations should be asking themselves the tough questions now and taking the required corrective actions to resolve the nagging process issues which have hampered their success in the past.

Establishing confidence that your systems and processes are functioning properly, in a consistent and repeatable manner will be the key to restoring your reputation and attracting new customers. Forward-thinking organizations are also viewing the situation as the catalyst to potentially expand their product and service offerings into new markets.

Our webinar, Thriving in the New Normal with ISO-Based Management Systems will cover:

  • How to ensure your organization is prepared to service your customers when the recovery begins
  • What should organizations be focusing on now to nurture and retain their business relationships for future growth
  • Discussion on how your organization may create a solid foundation to thrive in the “new normal” business world
  • How to utilize the requirements in your ISO-based management system to proactively protect the organization’s associates, customers, supply chain and provide for sustainability of the organization’s business

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