Content relating to Blogs

New gold standard training courses now available in New Zealand
We have heard the call from professionals in New Zealand who are keen to upskill in auditing, assurance and leadership to boost their career. That’s why we are offering our most requested auditing training, and food safety training in person in Auckland this August. See our latest article that outlines the training we have on offer coming up in Auckland!
SAI Global Assurance Now Delivering Costco Audits in New Zealand
As a Costco-approved Certification Body, SAI Global is committed to delivering best-in-class audit experience in alignment with the Costco requirements and can offer a combined GFSI audit.
The Fishy Business Of Food Fraud
From boat-to-plate, or farm-to-fork, food fraud is a global problem. Tackling the issue is no mean feat as the complexity of global food systems guarantees that not only will food fraud persist, it will continue to evolve to counter measures introduced to stop it.
The 3 Challenges Commonly Experienced By Manufacturers Seeking Certification To The MDSAP
Due to changes in technical and regulatory requirements the Medical Device industry has recently experienced, many manufactures have struggled to keep up and comply with their requirements.
GRASP is an acronym for Global Risk Assessment for Social Practices and is carried out as part of a GLOBALG.A.P. farm or aquaculture standards inspection.
COVID-19 Customer Statement
Comparison Matrix: ISO 45001:2018, OHSAS 18001:2007 and AS/NZS 4801:2001
On October 17, 2018, Standards Australia announced the adoption and publication of the AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 standards. Heavily-influenced by Australian experts, ISO 45001 outlines international best practice in the management of workplace safety across all industries.
The Top 3 Pitfalls Of The MDSAP
To keep up with product innovation and industry growth, the medical device industry has seen some significant changes in regulation. Part of this, was the transition from ISO 13485, the international standard for Medical Device Quality Management Systems, to the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP).
The Impact of Leadership on Internal Audits
The specific requirements for internal audits have not really changed much, apart from introduction of the “impartiality and objectivity” requirement. The current version of the Standard (ISO 9001:2015) does, however, contain significantly more requirements for top management engagement.
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